The New Year has brought many cold fronts our way. Finally after a bunch of high winds we have been getting back out and hitting the Atlantic! Offshore has been producing tunas and the occasional wahoo – along with kings, ceros, and sharks. The patch reefs and the wrecks are still a good place for the anglers that want to keep busy and keep the action going. Mutton snappers and yellow tails have been staying shallower and creating a nice fight for even the most avid anglers. If big game shark and goliath grouper is on the list the Gulf of Mexico has plenty of big monsters to tangle with! The season is here and we are booking up dates. Don’t forget March, April, May and June are sailfish and mahi season!

Looking forward to fishing with you.
For up-to-date photos and videos, follow us on:
Tight Lines,
Capt. Eric Evans
[email protected]